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Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) opened on 1 January 2005, the result of the merging of the PE Technikon the University of Port Elizabeth (UPE) and the Port Elizabeth campus of Vista University (Vista PE). The PE Technikon has its roots in the country’s oldest art school, the PE Art School founded in 1882; the University of Port Elizabeth (UPE), the country’s first dual-medium residential university, came into being on 31 January 1964; and the Port Elizabeth campus of Vista university, which opened up access to higher education for disadvantaged students. The union of these institutions came about as a result of government’s countrywide restructuring of higher education – intended to deliver a more equitable and efficient system to meet the needs of South Africa, the continent and the world in the 21st century. On 20 July 2017, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University was officially renamed Nelson Mandela University: the only higher education institution in the wo... Read more

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Head of University
Dr Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi

Contact person

Position in Company

Telephone Number
+27 (0) 41 504 1111

Email address

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Faculty of Business and Economic Science -

Faculty of Education -

Faculty of Engineering, the built environment and technology  -

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Faculty of  Humanities -

Faculty of Law -

Faculty of Science -


What bursaries/funds are available at Nelson Mandela University? And how do you apply for these?

Sport Bursaries

The Nelson Mandela University Sport Bureau offers sport bursaries of varying amounts to those who have demonstrated the ability to play sport at a high level of competition. Application forms are available from their office. E-mail: or phone (041) 504 2496. Closing date: Before the end of October each year.

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

NSFAS is a government loan scheme, with the added incentive of a maximum of 40% being converted into a non-repayable bursary depending on academic performance. The purpose of these loans is to assist financially-needy students who have the academic potential to succeed. As loans do not necessarily cover all costs, students are encouraged to seek additional funding from other sources. Only students whose GROSS combined family income (mother and father) does not exceed R140 000 per annum need apply. Application must be made on the prescribed application form BEFORE 30 October each year. Application forms are available from all financial aid offices from May each year. Incomplete application forms will not be considered.

Bursaries administered by Nelson Mandela University

Bursaries are also available to full-time students using funds provided by private donors or trustees. Applications for financial assistance from funds administered by Nelson Mandela University must be made on a financial aid application form. Application forms can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office on South Campus.

ellor's Scholarships
The Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship programme will be undergoing changes in 2020 and thus no scholarships will be awarded. More information

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